Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Obama is "Staying Alive- Staying Alive!"

Holy Cow,

Can you believe it, he's done it again. Yesterday Barack Obama went on to beat Mrs. Bill Clinton in two more presidential primaries, adding Wisconsin and Hawaii to his long list of wins, which now stands at ten in a row. An impressive show of political strength anyway you spin it. I'll bet her friends at MSNBC are not happy about that.

A year ago who would of ever thought it was even possible that this young upstart, one-term Senator from Illinois, saddled with a Muslim name would do so well in the polls against Her Royal Highness (Mrs. Bill Clinton).

This is truly amazing in the world of politics because it was never supposed to happen this way. I guess Mr. Obama didn't get the memo in time; you know, the one that decrees Mrs. Bill Clinton as the rightful heir to the Democratic throne. Oh well, I guess that's what happens when they let the voters get involved.

Silly voters, I guess they didn't get the memo either.

I'll bet there was a whole lot of barking going on in the Clinton camp last night. She's been flashing teeth like a angry Chihuahua all week, so this loss couldn't have come at a worse time. Poor Mr. Bill, probably caught the worst of it. God knows somebody is going to pay a price for this. I'm sure glad I wasn't in her hotel room when lamps started flying. I wonder who's going to get fired this week as punishment for her poor performance.

Now, I should point out, that just because she's down doesn't mean she's out; she still has Ohio and Texas next week and who knows how that will go. At this point anything can still happen. Winning primaries and collecting delegates is one thing, but winning the Democratic nomination is quite another. If there's one sure thing that can be said about the Clintons, it's that they don't ever give up power without a fight. Even though Mr. Obama is way ahead in the popular vote and has won more states and collected more delegates, he's still not a sure thing.

There's still the issue of all those (so called) "Super Delegates," where it's rumored the Clinton's still wield a great deal of influence, which could affect the final outcome.--- But, be that as it may, people still expect their votes to count for something. If Mrs. Bill Clinton continues to lose primaries to Mr. Obama, but somehow still manages to win the nomination by means of some kind of back-room deal, you can rest assure that rank-and-file Democrats will not go quietly.
To quote a popular movie, "There will be blood."

So in the end, it may be that even the Clintons might not be able to pull that one off.

For now Mrs. Clinton is back at work on the campaign trail, bad mouthing Mr Obama at every stop, while she continues to "pimp-out" Chelsea and Bill for the votes of the little people. I have no doubt she will take this thing as far as it will go, or until she runs out of money. Which ever comes first.

Thankfully she still has the support of her family and friends as well as Hollywood Celebes like Barbra Streisand, who as far as I know, has not yet succumb to a case of this highly contagious and quickly spreading, Obama Fever. But after next week, who knows how long even she can hold out. Only time will tell.

But hey, what do I know, I'm just a dog.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Viva La Snow !!!

Holy cow!

It snowed today for the first time this winter, and boy did we have a good time.
It started around 3:00, and within a hour almost everything was completely covered with a nice fresh layer of frosty white snow. It was really quite beautiful, and I couldn't wait to sink my paws into it.
When Dad came home he took out his camera and we all went outside to play while he snapped a few pictures, which I've posted below.

Zoe and I couldn't wait to get outside and start running all over the yard with the ball and the frisbee. Then we rolled around in it for a while, and got it all over our fur. We had a wonderful time. Even grumpy, old Marley came out to enjoyed it with us.

Mom's been away most of the week, so you can imagine how boring it's been around here, and how happy I was to see my yard filling with snow. What a gift. I was starting to worry that the whole week was going to be a bust, but this fresh fall of snow helped turn all that around. This afternoon was like a day at the park.
Thank you God, you've made my week.

I hope everyone enjoys my pictures. I also hope it snows all nigh, and all day tomorrow.
That would be great, but the first snow of the season is always the sweetest. So for now I'm just going to enjoy it.

If your out there Mom, we love you!
Come home soon!


Getting down to business.

"Look, I'm flying !!!"

Marley catching snow flakes on her tongue.

Zoe and I pulling on the frisbee.
Marley's still eating snow flakes.

"I love it out here !"

Zoe's playing with my Frisbee.

It doesn't get any better then this.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

I think I love this game!!!

I must say, I don't know a darn thing about this football stuff, but this Super Bowl game was most exciting.
I didn't even know what a Giant was until this week, but I'm a fan now.
I watched the whole game with Mom & Dad, who know only slightly more about the game then I do and even they seemed pleased.

I'm still looking forward to Super Tuesday, but after this, I doubt it will be anywhere near as exciting at this. I just can't imagine anyone jumping out of their chair, screaming for joy at the sight of old John McCain or Mrs. Bill Clinton.

Especially her!!!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

It's Going to be a SUPER WEEK!!!

Wow, what a week, Sunday is the Super Bowl and Tuesday is Super Tuesday. You just can't ask for anything more super than that. As you can see Zoe and I are ready for Sunday's big game. My Aunt Diane sent us these Super cool Giants bandanas which I think are real neat. We all tried them on last night and I haven't taken mine off since.

I have to say I don't know anything about football but I can tell you this: I know a good time when I see one and that's just what we plan to do, have ourselves a super good time.

Then on Tuesday it's the NJ presidential primary, which will also be very Super, although I'm still not sure who I'm going to vote for. We'll just have to see.

So anyway, here's a couple of pictures Mom & Dad took of us last night.

I'll have more to say next week, so check back with me.


Marley chill-in

Me of course...

Sister Zoe.