Thanksgiving is almost here and I couldn't be happier. Next to my birthday and Christmas it's my favorite holiday. Even without getting gifts it still has a lot going for it because it's all about the three things I love and value most: family, food and fun. As any dog will tell you, those are the the most important things in life.
This of course will be my third and I'm looking forward to enjoying myself. Every year the whole family comes to our house for the big feast and this year is no exception. Thanksgiving day is a beautiful thing for people and dogs alike. From morning to night the house is filled with all sorts of wonderful smells that would make any dogs' mouth water, and the kitchen is always buzzing with activity. Later when the guests arrive there's always a lot of talking and happy barking going on, and sometimes it gets so noisy you can barely stand it, but that's all right, it's all just part of the fun, so long as I don't get stepped on.
This year my new cousin Mandy will be coming to joining us, so there's sure to be a lot of excitement in the back yard. Of course when dogs get together it doesn't take much to keep us amused. We play loud and fast for a few hours and then lay down and take a little nap; but I notice when people get together they never stop talking. Talk-talk-talk, that's all they like to do. Sometimes they get so loud I can barely hear myself bark. I don't know how they can possibly have so much to talk about. It gets on my nerves sometimes but what can I do, it's not like I own the place.
Anyway, all this has got me thinking. God knows they can always find something to talk about at any given time, but this year there's even more going on in the news then usual. ----And from what I hear, it's not all good. And seeing that we're going to have a big crowd here on Thanksgiving, with everyone voicing their opinions and trying to get their point across, things could get out of hand.
So it occurred to me that maybe this year we should make a few rules regarding dinner conversation. I discussed this with Dad and he agreed it might be a good idea if we came up with a little list of subjects we should try to avoid, to help keep peace in the family. As a matter of fact, Dad thought it was such a good idea he put me in charge of making just such a list. . . . . So, here's what I came up with.
I think it's a pretty good list, hopefully I didn't forget anything, but if anyone can think of something I missed, feel free to email me with your suggestions and I'll be sure to include in my next list, which I will call: What not to talk about on Christmas
So lets all have ourselves a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and lets try to keep the conversation light this year.
What not to talk about on Thanksgiving.
By Reilly
George Bush
Barack Obama
John McCain
Sarah Palin.
Al Gore
The Clintons ( Especially Hillary)
The recent election.
Anything dealing with religion
The sagging economy
The problems with the auto industry
The airline industry
The housing markets
The falling stock market
The rising deficit
The national debt
Why banks are going bust
Why the unemployment rate is going up
Why the job market is going down
Who's to blame for the sub-prime mortgage meltdown?
Who's really paying for the government bailouts?
Why are Wall Street fat cats still getting bonuses?
Why is it so hard to get customer service on the phone?
The out-sourcing of American jobs
The fact that everything is made in China
Who pays more taxes then who
Socialism Vs. Capitalism
Is Racism still that big a problem?
Should the US pull out of the UN
Should we repeal The patriot act
Bringing back the Fairness doctrine
Get rid of the Bush tax cuts
End Affirmative Action
Lift the embargo on Cuba
Reinstate the draft
Is Flag burning really a constitutional right?
Should we allow gay marriage?
Should we have national health care?
What's wrong with red meat?
Do cell phones cause cancer?
Is going organic really better
Is professional wrestling real?
What to do about Islamic terrorism
Corrupt politicians
Greedy oil companies
The Israelis and the Palestinians
The North Korean menace
Entitlement programs for minorities
Mandates for low income housing
Reparations for slavery
Should we bomb Iran
Who's fairer -Fox News or CNN
Why haven't we caught Osama Bin Laden yet
Globalization--- good or bad?
Are flying saucers real
Is this a good time to pull out of Iraq
Should English be our official language?
Is Keith Olberman crazy?
The liberal media
Guantanamo Bay
Racial profiling
Political correctness
The doomsday clock
Home schooling
Gay rights
Abortion rights
Animal rights
Woman's rights
Smoker's rights
The rights of the Handicapped
The rights of the homeless
The rights of the unborn
The right to bear arms.
The far right
Global warming
Off shore drilling
Drilling in the Arctic
The melting ice caps
Stem Cell research
Immigration reform
Welfare reform
Gun control
The death penalty
Warrantless wiretaps
The Mexican border fence
The use of pesticides
Illegal aliens
National ID cards
Medical Marijuana
The Church of Scientology
Paper or plastic
Blu-Ray Vs. HD-DVD,
Mac Vs. PC
Red state Vs. Blue state
The naked cowboy
Reality shows
Talk radio
By Reilly
George Bush
Barack Obama
John McCain
Sarah Palin.
Al Gore
The Clintons ( Especially Hillary)
The recent election.
Anything dealing with religion
The sagging economy
The problems with the auto industry
The airline industry
The housing markets
The falling stock market
The rising deficit
The national debt
Why banks are going bust
Why the unemployment rate is going up
Why the job market is going down
Who's to blame for the sub-prime mortgage meltdown?
Who's really paying for the government bailouts?
Why are Wall Street fat cats still getting bonuses?
Why is it so hard to get customer service on the phone?
The out-sourcing of American jobs
The fact that everything is made in China
Who pays more taxes then who
Socialism Vs. Capitalism
Is Racism still that big a problem?
Should the US pull out of the UN
Should we repeal The patriot act
Bringing back the Fairness doctrine
Get rid of the Bush tax cuts
End Affirmative Action
Lift the embargo on Cuba
Reinstate the draft
Is Flag burning really a constitutional right?
Should we allow gay marriage?
Should we have national health care?
What's wrong with red meat?
Do cell phones cause cancer?
Is going organic really better
Is professional wrestling real?
What to do about Islamic terrorism
Corrupt politicians
Greedy oil companies
The Israelis and the Palestinians
The North Korean menace
Entitlement programs for minorities
Mandates for low income housing
Reparations for slavery
Should we bomb Iran
Who's fairer -Fox News or CNN
Why haven't we caught Osama Bin Laden yet
Globalization--- good or bad?
Are flying saucers real
Is this a good time to pull out of Iraq
Should English be our official language?
Is Keith Olberman crazy?
The liberal media
Guantanamo Bay
Racial profiling
Political correctness
The doomsday clock
Home schooling
Gay rights
Abortion rights
Animal rights
Woman's rights
Smoker's rights
The rights of the Handicapped
The rights of the homeless
The rights of the unborn
The right to bear arms.
The far right
Global warming
Off shore drilling
Drilling in the Arctic
The melting ice caps
Stem Cell research
Immigration reform
Welfare reform
Gun control
The death penalty
Warrantless wiretaps
The Mexican border fence
The use of pesticides
Illegal aliens
National ID cards
Medical Marijuana
The Church of Scientology
Paper or plastic
Blu-Ray Vs. HD-DVD,
Mac Vs. PC
Red state Vs. Blue state
The naked cowboy
Reality shows
Talk radio
Have a great holiday....
Hope your feeling better real soon
Aunt Diane!
Hope your feeling better real soon
Aunt Diane!
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What is the naked cowboy?
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